Well team, you asked for it. The dog days of summer are early and upon us, and don't show any sign of letting up. While all winter long in huddled masses we pined for these damp and scorching environs, we find ourselves now wilting across our beloved downcity, planning our days around bubble tea and air conditioning. Oh man, but Boba House closes at 10! Where could I possibly find air conditioning after.... Whats that? Ohhhhh.....
This very night we've but one spot left in our "very special" darkroom class featuring Denny Moers, and Blossom. Denny's unique practices lend themselves to surreal and somewhat unpredictable results. To snag the last remaining spot, run on over to as220.org/darkroom. Now git! Friday night features an acoustic spectacular via the musical memoir of Andy Shernoff. Yes, of the Dictators and the Ramones. Too bizarre to be true, you say? Try and prove me wrong! Saturday brings a jam-tacular lineup of hip-hop all stars including Big Rush, Dread Mighty, Manni Headphonez, and Hidden Agenda. What did ESG tell us to do? No, not "flush you like a toilet." Dance! This Sunday will be your last chance to check out the literary phenomenon thats been sweeping the city: Bar Plays will take over our humble pub at starting at 7pm. (You might even get to throw the word "thespian" into a conversation. Who else can offer you that?) They'll get the boot at 9 when Stalemate, Roz Raskin & The Ricecakes, and Tonic Thief take the stage. I'm gonna spend the next couple of days sleeping it off, and you should too, readers. Tuesday night marks the kind of epic descent into madness I know you've all been waiting for. It pains me even to trivialize this bill by typing it; the internet could never do it justice. Bastard Noise, The Body, and Denimvenom are here to ensure that you lose your hearing completely, get canned from your job as a waitress for no longer being able to decipher orders, drop off of society completely, and rejoin the cycle of life I like to think of as Rock n Roll. Hey guys, are we a band yet? After that there's something about a cyborg army, an awesome-as-ever curation by B Sharp, and a long overdue visit from your creepy uncles you never thought you'd see again. More on that later.
Alright readers. I've got alot of doom in my future, and that doesn't come without work. I'm off to make it happen. For a full rundown of our happs, get thee to our online calendar. Until the rock show, away!
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