What's the good word, readers? It's been too long, hasn't it? I mean, I know we've seen each other around, but we haven't really talked. It leads me to think that we need some means of staying in touch... up to date with what's been happening in our lives, and with Rock and Roll. Something along the lines of... a Society Column!!! Shall we? Lets do this thing, Rhode Island:
Big ups to penultimate rockers Hilary and Brian, who took it to the "next level" via marital bliss. Finally, someone is listening to Beyonce! I'm not gonna say I didn't call it. New England's leading Christian Metal band The Body is gearing up to go on tour, and their subs have never sounded better. For the love of all things holy, someone bake those guys some non-perishables. Favorite art guy around town Jacob BroRendez has been seen spreading gossip like a madman, but somehow still seems to have more friends than anyone I know. Is it his looks? His charm? His raw talent? I want lessons, J-Bro!
Now that we're all on the same page: Friday night features an excellent as ever curation by great dudes and gear-fixing-wizards B Sharp: The Benedictions, The Silks, and OK FY Radio are on the horn to start your weekend right. You're gonna need it, readers. Do I even need to mention? Risen from the dead like so many post-apocalyptic no-wave noise rock zombies, Providence royalty of yesteryear and tomorrow Arab on Radar return this Saturday to remind you of how you lost your hearing in the 90s, and why it was all worth it. Kissing their feet and tittering like schoolgirls in the warm glow of their presence will be Tinsel Teeth and Whore Paint. Asthma inhalers and waterproof mascara not included. Sunday is America-O'clock, and what better way to celebrate than with the Empire Review? I've got a sneaking suspicion that Betty Sue will be wearing something particularly festive, and Vice-President Munslow has promised a monologue "more dazzling than an horizonless fireworks display on a moonless night, and more poignant than an interpretive re-dancing of the Declaration of Independence meets Ballet Russe." I'm sold. Speaking of, we've got new stuff in the gallery, including Favorite Picks of the Dirt Palace Library in the Project Space. Do stop by for a savory crumpet and a casual reading from Dworkin's classic feel-good novella, Intercourse. The main attraction, though, is Jen Raimondi's hyper-natural, excessively beautiful, and deeply disturbing instillation. Think human bones, gilded frames, missing teeth, hair of questionable origin, and assorted fungi. Yikes! This is buyin' art, people, and Jen is donating 10% of the take to Gulf Restoration Network. Git R Dun, Jen! Wednesday night's DC401 talk is totally free in the performance space, and will relate to the title The Economics of Personal Privacy and the Scam of Web2.0. Resident technology puppet-master Brandon Edens describes this talk as a possibly "enjoyable presentation for all of those in the 'I deleted my facebook profile' camp." Is there an open bar? In other news, we're collecting volunteers for Foo Fest. Warm Fuzzies! Anarchy! Free Passes! Rock and Roll! Indie Cred! Hit a sister back.
While the Soma-like calm of the blogosphere lulls me ever deeper within it, the pull of an after-work martini is winning out. Its been real as ever, readers. For a full rundown of the happs, get thee to our calendar. Until the rock show, away!
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