To all my peoples- Once in a great while I misuse little LOTSOFNOISE to shamelessly promote something else that I am doing. Now is one of those times. Please pass this on to any friend/family member/twitter pal/friendster buddy that you know. I would really appreciate it. THANKS PVD! Your host, Ryan. I am Kickstarting a board game called HIGH HEAVENS here:
from the Kickstarter page: Pit the ancient Norse & Greek deities and demigods against each other in grid-based battle. A tactical 2 player card and board game. Created by award-winning video game industry veteran Ryan Lesser (Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Beatles:Rock Band, Dance Central...), HIGH HEAVENS is a 2-player, expandable board game that utilizes lessons learned from 15 years of video game creation and a lifetime of playing board games. HIGH HEAVENS sets the players in the clouds, fighting for ultimate power above the earth.

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