Oh dear lord. Its T-minus Foo O'clock, readers, and you know what that means: pinatas in the office, party-metal on the mega-mix, hand-stand contests by the water cooler, and girl-talk style "which member of ESG am I" fortune cookie origami games preceding every show. My life is a Cathy meets Dilbert meets Metalocalypse cartoon. Thank god this is going to culminate into its apex soon- the madness has to end sometime. OR DOES IT?!
Saddle up tonight for an ever-festive
B Sharp situation:
MOGA will be celebrating their cd release, and we're rolling out the red carpet. Sunday night gets metalcore, but ain't too cool to dance, with
Divets, No One and The Somebodies, Turbosleaze, and Private Public. What does that even mean?!?!
Daniel Chase is going to cool things out mellow groove style on Tuesday alongside
The Tower & The Fool and The Rachels. I'll be real, readers. If the tsunami-like spiral out of madness has already begun, Wednesday night is giving me cause for concern:
Ceremony is coming though town, and I heard a rumor about mesh tops being involved. Is that punk?
Soul Control, Vaccine, and a little outfit called
Wet Friend have personally assured me that this will be one of the most disgusting nights of my life. (You've obviously forgotten Freedom Winter 99!) Ok, and here's where it really gets wild: Friday evening we are basking in the warm glow of
Shepard Fairey, who will be here at 5 screening his short-but-not-too-short
Andre The Giant Has A Posse, as well as sitting on a panel for a very special
Action Speaks alongside
Bert Crenca, pioneer of free culture activism and scholarship
Lawrence Lessig, and our very own resident super genius/wizard of computer engineering/conceiver and fabricator of magic/all around cool guy
Brandon Edens. It's free of charge, and might actually change your life. Who loves open source software? This guy!
Okok. Enough about me. I'm off to get my rain slicker dry cleaned for the 11th. For a full rundown of our happs, get thee to our
calendar. Until the rock show, away!