Breathe it in, readers. The crisp New England air has given way to some balmy unreality tentatively monickered by its conjectural constituents, "Summer???" Though your glands be enshrined in allergens' mementos, your outward physicality tingles with each warming light; shudders with each passing breeze. I sense it, readers- you've never felt more alive! But in what direction might this newfound vigor be channeled? Toward what momentous endeavor could your energies be most well spun? Try this on for size:
Friday = Progfest, with Sideshow, Doublethink, Infinite Children, and Resistor pop-quizzing your basic math skills from high school. Damn that basic equivalency test! Saturday afternoon is poised, like so many starved and rabid jackals, to erupt into a horizonless infinity of good times and hilarity. Bike swap at high noon, going till 4! Free book-making workshop for kids at 2! Complimentary Irish Jam Sesh from 4-7! PUNK ROCK ALL NIGHT! Read on while I hyperventilate into a paper bag, rockers: Ruiner, Soul Control, Tabernackle, Weak Teeth, and Convulsions grace our humble stage, courtesy of Tor Johnson. Truly, my core has never been so hard. Protective gear encouraged, not just for your ears. Sunday evening, self-identified crazies are invited to take part in the Icarus Project, a rad mental health crew exploring self-care and shirking the traditional mental-health system. Count me in! Falling solidly into the "but not least" category, Wednesday at 5:30 for no charge at all Just Seeds artists and May AS220 Drawer/Inventor in Residence Colin Matthes will present his work of the past month. He'll be giving a slide talk of recent projects that include survival objects realized with scrappy materials, a carnival of War Fair, small "i" inventions (like the kind you might see on an infomercial), contemporary Potemkin villages, and surveillance camera birdhouses. Whut?!
I could tell you that's all, readers, but I couldn't live with the guilt. Though many events fall further and in between, I'm getting antsy, and my bicycle awaits. For the total happs, get thee to our calendar. Until the punk/swap, away!
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