Well, here it is, readers: the moment has come that will test our staid commitment to events, event-going, and communicating exclusively and succinctly about events. These are trying times, people. Up in the news, its all softball scandals and oil slicks. Avert your eyes from these tawdry distractions! Resist the seductive temptations of the blogosphere and television set! Newscasts, be damned! This is all you need to know:
Friday night will offer to us a prismatic showcase of pop/rock and hunkitude. Erin Boucher, get r done! Shryne, Brian Severn & Those Victorious, and Heather Rose share the stage. Saturday promises a a glam-prog extravaganza: A Troop of Echoes celebrates their CD release with Herra Terra, Volcano Kings, and (thank the lord!) Mahi Mahi. And I swore I'd never wear spandex again! We're not just weekend warriors, team: Tuesday the 1st we'll welcome our June Artist /Hacker in Residence, Jimmy Rodgers. (I know, I know! Not the guy that wrote "In The Jailhouse Now." Thats where my mind went, too.) Get ready to bend circuits, build robots, and bust out the solder. Jimmie is here to show us how to hack in style. Make your early-mid nineties fantasies come true! Stop by the labs to see what we're building/destroying/turning into a cyborg (kittens!); stay to build an Atari Punk Console or turn your old toys into blinking musical instruments. 7-10pm every weeknight in June. For rizzle. Wednesday night we're thrilled to host Providence's Pecha Kucha. Did anyone see Lost In Translation? Like that. AND, the following Friday B Sharp is driving the bus. We aim to please.
There it is, readers. I'd love to stay and dish, but I have to break it to the Cute Overload pin-ups that soon they'll be half machine. I'll leave you to it. For a full rundown of the happs, get thee to our calendar. Until the rock show, away!