June 28th
A panoply of profusely provocative performances from plentiful perspectives!
Including a Foolish Cabaret of Chaos comprised of many mysterious and masterful minds of known and questionable origin, including but not limited to: Broad Street Studios, Providence Poetry Slam, Richard Goulis, Fallen Kings, Post Logic Collective, Linda King, Chris Paddock and Friends, Chloe Paisley, The Ergot Players, Rich Porter, and many many more!!!
Short acoustic performances by Exiles, Bradford Krieger, Nick Hurley, Ben Pilgrim and the Free Union Band, The Devil My Pocket, and Alex!
The theatrix will be hosted by the clever and clairvoyant Matthew Derby and Keith Munslow of the Empire Revue!
Beats to make your beastly buns bump and bounce in your bustled gowns and prance in your pin striped pants provided with priceless precision and enthusiasm by:
Javelin (http://www.myspace.com/hotjamzofjavelin )
Joey Beats (http://joebeats.blogspot.com)
Swiss Chemistry Club (http://www.myspace.com/mikehoska , http://www.myspace.com/timokeefe )
Blatant Cronyism (http://www.myspace.com/blatantcronyism )
Spanish Dancer (http://www.myspace.com/spanishdancerrr )
the What Cheer? Brigade! (http://www.myspace.com/whatcheerbrigade )
And, appearing at AS220 for the first time, Providence bands and filmmakers come together through the electronic world! We hope to elicit excitement by bringing you our own version of DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION, the interactive video game which teaches and tortures you! You can practice your dance moves with the help of many un-relentless undulating rhythms and visual cues! Flaunt your frocked façade, and feast upon fantastical festivities, at our foolish fundraiser: The Fool’s Ball! BUY TICKETS ON THE ASS220 WEBSITE!!!
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