I am sure that tons of you have Ipods and many of you have had issues. I did my typical thing that I do with broken gear and took it all apart, gave it the stinkeye and puhttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gift it back together. Guess what? IT WORKED! I did some research and found that many people have done this same thing. There are tiny little ribbon cables that come undone and a simple reseating makes them work again.
YES! Victory. Apple will not get my money (at least, not until they make some awesome new thing which I will buy the moment it comes out, only to have it crap out 1 year and 1 day later).
Here is the link on how to take that sumbitch apart:
same thing happend to my fifth gen ipod video. i got a new video ipod battery from ipodjuice.com and now it works again. they told me that if the new battery did not fix my problem i could return it for a full refund! so thankfully it worked and i highly recommend them.
If you're going to link to my image, at least give me credit for my way to fix an iPod with a sad iPod icon. My method doesn't involve spending any money or taking your iPod apart...
You should also remember that it's not nice to link to someone's images without asking their permission.
-Tom Coffee
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