Two bands that have been playing pretty constantly on my stereo these past few months are coming to Boston on the same bill. If you are looking to get your fill of elf-laden Sabbathery or math-laden art rockery, or both...this is your show. Plus props to John Dyer Baizley (of Baroness) for making some of the best album art that I have seen in a long time (Baroness, Torche, Skeletonwitch, etc).
BTW...WTF! why isn't Witchcraft coming through Providence? Why do these sweet ass bands rarely come through Providence?
Actually, the answer was explained to me this weekend and it comes down to some booking agent issues...but COME ON bands! Get it together and get out here to Lil' Rhody. Electric Wizard, Witchcraft, all sludgemasters...come on down...