Man, Keith gave me and Jennifer a tour of Machines With Magnets last night before the show. That is one sweet studio. It is so nice to see people do awesome rehabs of buildings in the area instead of all of the idiots that just go and tear down these amazing spaces. If any of you folks are looking to do some recording, check out MWM. Lots of nooks and crannys with great sounds...bouncy "wet" rooms and dead calm "dry" rooms.
Very impressed.

Lots of bands played last night. I have some snaps and super crummy videos of Lightning Bolt thanks to my cameraphone. Man, I need to invent a gizmo that is my Holga (for stills), my Iriver H340 (for audio recording), my Casio Exilim (for palmsized video recording) and an Iphone...yeah. Coming soon.
Also, you might have gotten a flyer for The Sight Of Sound. Check it out May 18th. It says "Contemporary illustrations by OVER 30 different illustrators". Yeah, I am over 30...so I am in the show.